Enerpoint presents its Photovoltaic Park

09/09/2008 - Enerpoint, leading company in the Italian PV market, has recently presented the Enerpoint Photovoltaic Park of Grottaglie.

Enerpoint presented the Enerpoint Photovoltaic Park that, in its current form, is a unique initiative in Italy which, once the project is complete, will be accessible to the public by means of a series of marked itineraries intended to show the integration between the two worlds of photovoltaics and agriculture.

Enerpoint is developing the Photovoltaic Park in Grottaglie, in the province of Taranto, Italy, where a vast area of untilled land has been salvaged thanks to the reinstatement of olive groves and crops which provide a frame for a series of photovoltaic plants that are perfectly integrated with the territory.

The project, which began in 2007 with the completion of the first MWp, will continue to develop over the next few months with the production of more plants.


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